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About Apryl Pense

I believe that change is a part of life. It can be necessary for growth; it can also create stress, anxiety, or depression. 

Apryl enjoys working with adults on issues including life transitions, parenting, identity formation, and trauma work. She believes that we each have a story with a unique perspective and voice that, when heard, can lead us back to a place of joy and fulfillment. I enjoy working with adults, as individuals and couples, on issues including life transitions, parenting, identity formation, and trauma work. She believes that we each have a story with a unique perspective and voice. She enjoys working with people as they come back to a place of joy and fulfillment after an experience that has left them emotionally tired. I completed my Masters in Counseling at Western Seminary after studying psychology at Corban University.  I believe that change is a part of life. It can be necessary for growth; it can also create stress, anxiety, or depression. Whether it’s adjusting to single life after divorce or breakup, finding your place in the world after college, moving to a new state, grieving a loss, or welcoming a new baby, having some extra support during a stressful time of change can make the difference between surviving and thriving.

Reach out to me today!

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